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In Soviet Russia, Ninja Turtles something something....

ltmon's picture

I couldn’t think of a good way to finish the title, but IPX TMNT fans check out this page of scanned comics from Russia:

Here’s a few hilights I’ve found so far….

Shredder? Is that you?

Freddy Crougar meets Zorro crossed with a scarecrow.

Mutants versus Predator. Thank the party for not enforcing copyright.

Seriously, who did they get to draw this stuff?

Another awesome crossover idea that would never have made it in the corrupt and capitalist west.

I’m pretty sure this guy was from Street Fighter.

Shredder (at least recognizable now) makes a deal with a pirate. I think shit this stupid happened in the US version as well — but not until the morning cartoon TV series surely?


Quick-draw Donatello.

Batman is back again, but is looking just a little worse for wear.


Fuzz's picture


Wow… what a find. Looks like they based their series off the Ninja Turtle toy line – wideley regarded as one of the most ridiculous toy lines ever made.
(yes that’s them taking the design flaws they couldn’t get around in the movies, and then incorporating them back into the figures as features…)

ltmon's picture

Timeline is out


Pretty sure these comics (from the Russian I cannot read) were early ’80s, which put them too early for this…. no, they came up with this insanity all on their own.

Fuzz's picture


lol, you’re right…. What were they thinking?

n0mad's picture


In Soviet Russia, Ninja Turtles C0mic Artists are drinking t00 much v0dka………..

Made my day Hashy………………………………

H0gs from Duke Nukem I rek0n


Sha8doW's picture


i cant stop laughing….
looks like “bat turtle man’s” pants are on backwards?
that “handshake” looks a little too close to something else for my liking!

I looks like “fan art”… you know, the kind the 4 yr olds send into those saturday morning cartoon shows which are hosted by the blonde bimbos! and the afternoon ones with the hottie hostesses who make 14yrold boys horny!!? (god what happened to 4:30pm cartoons with kate fischer? I remember an ep of looney toons which she hosted from a bubblebath…. OMG

ltmon's picture

Another one

Nice to see racism was alive and well behind the iron curtain

Hashy's picture


“(god what happened to 4:30pm cartoons with kate fischer? I remember an ep of looney toons which she hosted from a bubblebath…. OMG…”

just g0ld shad hahahaha

Fuzz's picture

Post of the month!!!

Nice. Honestly, I reckon it’s a shoe in for post of the year too. Starts off well with the title… then gets even better with ridiculous ninja turtles stuff.

Fuzz's picture

Still the best IPX post


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